Bloomsbury Medieval Studies Platform - Medieval Life and Culture .
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Medieval Life and Culture is a vibrant eBook collection dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of life and culture during the global Middle Ages. From family life and architecture, and music and games, to science and technology, and warfare and religion, this rich and diverse collection provides a unique window into the everyday lives of people from across the Medieval world.

Book cover for Artifacts from the Ancient Silk Road Book cover for The Middle Ages: Facts and Fictions Book cover Daily Life of Women in Chaucer’s England Book cover for Islam in the Middle Ages: The Origins and Shaping of Classical Islamic Civilization Book cover for Daily Life of the Jews in the Middle Ages

Content Highlights

  • 38 eBooks which were carefully selected by experts on the Bloomsbury Medieval Studies Editorial Advisory Board.
  • All Medieval titles from the Daily Life series, an award winning collection which explores the daily lives of ordinary people through time and across the globe, providing details about family life, work, food, clothing, sports, language, literature, romance, education, gender roles, social customs, and more.
  • Provides a truly global perspective of the Middle Ages with titles exploring topics such as artefacts from the Ancient Silk Road, daily life in the Medieval Islamic World, the cultural history of Judaism, Nomai dance in Medieval Japan, perceptions of global migration, and the roles of women in the Medieval world, to name a few.
  • Demonstrates the multi-faceted nature of this fascinating field of study through the lens of medieval artefacts, philosophical studies, material culture, cultural history, literature studies and more.
  • Supports students and scholars new to this field of Medieval Studies with engaging, authoritative titles exploring the life and culture of the Middle Ages through an interdisciplinary and critical approach.
  • Read our carefully curated Topic in Focus exploring the Medieval Life and Culture content here.

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